
Benefits of ABA for Children with Autism

Parents play a great role in understanding and accepting the challenging behaviors of their autistic children. However, there are times when the challenges are beyond their expectations. In this situation, it is best to seek help from psychologists a...

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Symptoms of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders vary from one person to another. Despite their differences, they all face problems that affect their behavior and activities; they suffer from problems relating to sensory, emotional, and uneven cognitive abilities. ABA serv...

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Behavior Strategies to Help Children with Autism

According to research, early intervention is highly effective for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. It helps their cognitive skills, social skills, and language ability. If you discovered that your child has this disorder as early as infancy, ...

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Making the Classroom Conducive for Children with Autism

Autistic children have varying needs. Children with autism spectrum disorders require conducive environments where they can focus their attention on learning and developing their innate skills and abilities. As professionals on behavior strategies, o...

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The Performing Arts: A Great Way to Nurture Talent

As individuals, we all have different ways to express ourselves. Some of us may express ourselves through music, art, dance, technology, literature, math, or anything that interests us. Using this method as a creative expression and educational solut...

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Making the First Day of School Transition Easier

Day one of school is usually chaos, regardless of whether your child has Autism Spectrum Disorders or not. All the socks magically lose their pairs, shoes suddenly need polishing, and there’s random food rotting inside the fridge. Yes, the first da...

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